ArcGIS Online

Esri has a data repository called the Living Atlas, which contains curated data from Esri that you can use in your maps. The majority of these datasets are available to the public, but there are a few datasets in Living Atlas that are either subscriber content or premium content. The last two types of Living Atlas datasets require you to have an ArcGIS organizational account and/or credits available. Warning! Be careful with credit consumption; it can add up real quick and can drain your organization's credits. You can access the Living Atlas data two ways:

In ArcGIS Pro, you can access the data through the Catalog pane under Portal by clicking on the icon with the book on top of a cloud, shown as the following:

Figure 1.1: Living Atlas Data in ArcGIS Pro

You can also search for Living Atlas on ArcGIS Online to find datasets. A great feature of ArcGIS Online is being able to find a layer there and open it within ArcGIS Pro automatically. We will go into more depth on this in Chapter 9Get Started with ArcGIS Online. ArcGIS Online also has data from people and organizations around the world. Because they chose to leverage ArcGIS Online to host their data, you can be sure that it will come into your map in ArcGIS Pro with little to no configuration. ArcGIS Pro was designed around consuming data from GIS servers just as much as it was designed for local data.