About the Reviewers

Michael Miles is a manufacturing engineer working in the aerospace industry by day, and a Unity Game designer and C#, JavaScript, and Python developer the rest of the time. While he purchased his first computer in the early '80s, it was years later when he first got into programming, writing modifications for Doom during breaks at work. With gaming in general frowned upon, while working Michael put these skills to work, programming simulations for the various processes he used on the job. A few years later, he discovered Unity3D and Blender; using these applications, Michael creates interactive training and production-ready instruction tools for the assembly of parts for the aircraft his company builds.

When not in front of a computer screen, he likes to play card games, board games with family and friends, and immerse himself in books from fantasy to theoretical physics.

Thanks to my parents for always being there, supporting every decision I made, however unwise you thought it was at the time.


Alessandro Mochi has been playing video games since the Amstrad and NES era, tackling all possible fields: PC, console, and mobile. They are his love, and designing them is his passion, used as a medium to transmit and evoke emotions. He gives a lot of importance to details while doing any work, and is well versed in project and team management, communication, and problem-solving skills.

He is experienced in mechanical design, but is also quite good at programming (Unity, C#) and 3D modeling. With over 15 years of experience in IT and project management, he's currently pouring all of his heart and mind into the company he founded--Dapper Penguin Studios. Here, he tries to resurrect a lost genre in PC gaming--the industrial tycoon--with the flagship title Rise of Industry. Many studios have tried in recent years, and their failures serve as inspiration and fuel for his work, trying to give back to the gaming industry a fun, polished, and immortal experience.