- 中国新材料研究前沿报告2020
- 中国工程院化工 冶金与材料工程学部 中国材料研究学会编写
- 932字
- 2025-02-26 02:13:52
[1] Jiang S,Lu Z. Ultrastrong steel via minimal lattice misfit and high-density nanoprecipitation. Nature,2017,544:460.
[2] Zhou X,Feng Z,Zhu L,et al. High-pressure streng-thening in ultrafine-grained metals. Nature,2020,579:67.
[3] Hu J,Shi Y,Lu K. Grain boundary stability governs hardening and softening in extremely fine nanograined metals. Science,2017,355(6331):1292.
[4] Zhou X,Li X,Lu K. Enhanced thermal stability of nanograined metals below a critical grain size. Science,2018,360(6388):526.
[5] Wang L,Zhou H,Sun L,et al. A Eu3+-Eu2+ ion redox shuttle imparts operational durability to Pb-I perovskite solar cells. Science,2019,363(6424):265.
[6] Wang Y,Yang X,Han L. Stabilizing heterostructures of soft perovskite semiconductors. Science,2019,365(6454):687.
[7] Luo M,Guo S. PdMo bimetallene for oxygen reduction catalysis. Nature,2019,574:81.
[8] Bu L,Guo S,Su D,et al. Biaxially strained PtPb/Pt core/shell nanoplate boosts oxygen reduction catalysis. Science,2016,354(6318):1410.
[9] Qiu C,Zhang Z,Peng L. Dirac-source field-effect transistors as energy-efficient,high-performance electronic switches. Science,2018,361(6400):387.
[10] Deng Y,Yu Y,Shi M,et al. Quantum anomalous hall effect in intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4. Science,2020,367(6480):895.
[11] Yang C,Liu Y,Xiong J,et al. Intermediate bosonic metallic state in the superconductor-insulator transition. Science,2019,366(6472):1505.
[12] Cyranoski D. China's crystal cache:a Chinese laboratory is the only source of a valuable crystal. David Cyranoski investigates why it won’t share its supplies. Nature,2009,457:953.
[13] Yu Y,Ma L,Chen X H,et al. High-temperature superconductivity in monolayer Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ. Nature,2019,575:156.
[14] Wang D,Kong L,Fan P,et al. Evidence for majorana bound states in an iron-based superconductor. Science,2018,362(6412):333.
[15] Dong G,Li S,Yao M,et al. Super-elastic ferroelectric single-crystal membrane with continuous electric dipole rotation. Science,2019,366(6464):475.
[16] Qiu C,Wang B,Zhang N,et al. Transparent ferroelectric crystals with ultrahigh piezoelectricity. Nature,2020,577:350.
[17] Pan H,Lin Y H,Nan C W. Ultrahigh-energy density lead-free dielectric films via polymorphic nanodomain design. Science,2019,365(6453):578.
[18] Zhang S,Kang L,Zhang J. Arrays of horizontal carbon nanotubes of controlled chirality grown using designed catalysts. Nature,2017,543:234.
[19] Qiu C,Zhang Z,Peng L M. Scaling carbon nanotube complementary transistors to 5-nm gate lengths. Science,2017,355(6322):271.