
对当代人类大脑的生物学研究发现了这一基本需要的进化痕迹。当我们同另一个人建立了高质量联结,并可以与之和谐共处时,无论是将自身的某个弱点透露给他还是与他闲聊某个共同的敌人,或是简简单单地分享欢乐时刻,我们的“平静与联结”系统都会活跃起来。这一系统会引发一系列生理反应,这些反应会联合起来共同强化我们同另一个人的深厚联结。Fredrickson, B.L. (2013). Love 2.0: Finding happiness and health in moments of connection. New York: Plume.

借用心理学家芭芭拉·弗雷德里克森的术语,在这样的“积极共鸣”时刻,一个人的大脑和另一人的大脑几乎同步,这一现象有时被称为“神经耦合”。这时,你更容易预见伴侣的意识流,感受到同样的情绪,有时甚至能切身感受到对方的疼痛。Hasson, U., Ghazanfar, A. A., Galantucci, B., Garrod, S., Keysers, C. (2012). Brain-to- brain coupling:A mechanism for creating and sharing a social world. Trends in Cognitive Science, 16(2), 114–121;Stephens, G. J., Silbert, L. J., & Hasson, U. (2010). Speaker-listener neural coupling underlies successful communication. PNAS, 107(32), 14425–14430; Zaki, J. (2019). The war for kindness:Building empathy in a fractured world. New York: Crown.诚如弗雷德里克森指出的,这样的“联结微时刻”是能够激活人生上升螺旋的“微型引擎”,助你成长、成为更好的自己。Fredrickson, Love 2.0, p. 8.

大脑的阿片肽系统在增进联结方面起到了关键作用。尽管阿片肽系统并非社会联结所特有的(阿片肽系统是一个“愉悦系统”),但在大部分时间里,社会联结刚好提供了生活中最重要也最激动人心的愉悦体验。Depue, R. A., & Morrone-Strupinsky, J. V. (2005). A neurobehavioral model of affilia- tive bonding: Implications for conceptualizing a human trait of affiliation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28(3), 313–350.在深入的社会联结中,阿片肽系统会抑制下丘脑—垂体—肾上腺轴,控制机体对压力的反应。当社会联结破裂时,阿片肽系统还会给人带来失落感、忧伤感。Panksepp, J., Siviy, S. M., & Normansell, L. A. (1985). Brain opioids and social emo- tions. In M.Reite & T. Field (Eds.), The psychobiology of attachment and separation (pp. 3–49). New York:Academic Press.阿片肽系统对于联结系统而言如此不可或缺,以至于知名神经科学家团队将深厚的社会联结视作“神经化学意义上的阿片类物质成瘾”。Panksepp, Brain opioids and social emotions, pp. 3-49.

在联结系统中,神经肽催产素也起着重要作用。催产素在下丘脑中产生,既是激素,又起到神经递质的作用。Bartz, J. A., Zaki, J., Bolger, N., & Ochsner, K. N. (2011). Social effects of oxytocin in humans: Context and person matter. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15(7), 301–09; Donald son, Z. R., & Young, L. J. (2008). Oxytocin, vasopressin, and the neurogenetics of so- ciality.Science, 322(5903), 900–904.有证据表明,催产素会促进信任,加强合作意愿,同时增强辨识他人的信任与善意的能力。Guastella, A. J., & MacLeod, C. (2012). A critical review of the infl uence of oxytocin nasal spray on social cognition in humans: Evidence and future directions. Hormones and Behavior, 61(3), 410–418;Kosfeld, M., Heinrichs, M., Zak, P. J., Fischbacher, U., & Fehr, E. (2005). Oxytocin increases trust in humans. Nature, 435, 673–676. 像经鼻给予催产素这样的干预方式能够在多大程度上对行为产生显著效应,仍是一个开放的研究问题。事实上,近期的一项随机的涵盖安慰剂对照组的被试实验发现,催产素和抗利尿激素对于大量社会性后果并没有产生重大影响。催产素同样是平静与联结系统的一部分,它会作用于杏仁核的特定区域,降低人们对威胁的敏感度,减少紧张与恐惧的感受。Debiec, J. (2005). Peptides of love and fear: Vasopressin and oxytocin modulate the in tegration of information in the amygdala. BioEssays, 27(9), 869–873; Kirsch, P., et al. (2005).Oxytocin modulates neural circuitry for social cognition and fear in humans. Journal of Neuroscience, 25(49), 11489–93.

一些研究人员将催产素称作“爱的激素”或“拥抱激素”,但最近的研究也表明催产素对社会行为的影响高度依赖于情境。Bartz, Zaki, Bolger, & Ochsner, Social effects of oxytocin in humans; Kemp, A. H., & Guastella,A. J. (2011). The role of oxytocin in human affect: A novel hypothesis. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20(4), 222–231.催产素会增加内群体偏好,使你在改善群体内的福利,增强一致性、信任与合作时需冒着代价高昂的风险(包括撒谎)。De Dreu, C. K., & Kret, M. E. (2016). Oxytocin conditions intergroup relations through upregulated in-group empathy, cooperation, conformity, and defense. Biological Psychia- try, 79(3), 165–173.但是,当一个人被认为不值得信赖、陌生,或被当作与内群体观点和价值观存在冲突的外群体成员时,催产素对于信任的影响实际上已被削弱。Declerck, C. H., Boone, C., & Kiyonari, T. (2010). Oxytocin and cooperation under conditions of uncertainty: The modulating role of incentives and social information. Hor- mones and Behavior, 57(3), 368–374; De Dreue, C. K., et al. (2010). The neuropeptide oxytocin regulates parochial altruism in intergroup conflict among humans. Science, 328(5984), 1408–1411;Mikolajczak, M., Pinon, N., Lane, A., de Timary, P., & Luminet, O. (2010). Oxytocin not only increases trust when money is at stake, but also when con- fi dential information is in the balance.Biological Psychology, 85(1), 182–184; Stallen, M., De Dreu, C. K., Shalvi, S., Smidts, A., &Sanfey, A. G. (2012). The herding hormone: Oxytocin stimulates in-group conformity. Psychological Science, 23(11), 1288–1292.此外,当内群体和外群体拥有相似的观点和价值观时,催产素似乎并没有催生出这种内群体偏见。Stallen, De Dreue, Shalvi, Smidts, & Sanfey, The herding hormone.

因此,尽管催产素的确有助于加强人们同他人的联结,且在平静与联结系统中起到重要作用,但有一点已越来越明晰:催产素并非“全体人类爱的激素”。将催产素视作“内群体爱的激素”可能更为准确。De Dreu & Kret, Oxytocin conditions intergroup relations through upregulated in- group empathy,cooperation, conformity, and defense; Stallen, De Dreu, Shalvi, Smidts, & Sanfey, The herding hormone.因此,在本书提出的新需要整合层次中,我清晰地区分了联结的需要和给予无条件的爱的需要,后者可以在独立于你所感受到的那种同他人的联结的基础上发挥作用(见第五章)。

联结系统中还有另外一个重要组成部分,也就是第十对脑神经——迷走神经。迷走神经起自脑颅深处的脑干,将大脑同许多器官连接起来,包括心脏和肺。迷走神经能让剧烈跳动的心脏缓和下来,助长与他人的目光接触,协调面部表情。迷走神经的强度(即迷走张力)可被测量,它与身体、心理和社交灵活性以及适应压力的能力有关。迷走张力更高的人能够在日常生活中更多地感受到同他人的联结,这种更多的联结反过来又会提升迷走张力,“使心脏像上升的螺旋般积极运转”。Kok, B. E., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2011). Upward spirals of the heart: Autonomic flexi- bility,as indexed by vagal tone, reciprocally and prospectively predicts positive emotions and social connectedness. Biological Psychology, 85(3), 432–436.

联结(以及缺少联结)显然会对我们的大脑和生理机能产生巨大的影响,同时深深影响我们的身心健康。事实上,联结可能是生死攸关的问题。Knowledge Networks and Insight Policy Research. (2010). Loneliness among older adults:A national survey of adults 45+. Retrieved from https://assets.aarp.org/rgcenter/general/loneliness_2010.pdf; Wood, J. (2018). Loneliness epidemic growing into biggest threat to public health. PsychCentral. Retrieved from https://psychcentral.com/ news/2017/08/06/loneliness epidemic-growing-into-biggest-threat-to-public-health/124226.html.