- 何兆熊《综合教程(4)》(第2版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】
- 圣才电子书
- 2字
- 2021-05-21 22:52:00
Unit 5
Text I
1.tapestry [5tApistri] n. a large piece of heavy cloth on which colored threads are woven to produce a picture, pattern etc挂毯,丰富多采的画面:Sunshine faded the tapestry.阳光晒得挂毯褪了色。
2.budget [5bQdVit] n. a) the money that is available for a particular purpose预算:It is essential to balance one’s budget.量入为出是很重要的。b) v. to plan to spend an amount of money for a particular purpose做安排;规划:The school budgeted one million dollars for a new library.学校编列了一百万美元建新图书馆的预算。
3.chase [tFeis] v. a) to run, drive, etc. after sb/sth in order to catch them追逐,追捕,追求:Why do modern people chase material possessions?为什么现在的人们追求物质财富?b) n. an act of running or driving after sb/sth in order to catch them追逐,追求
4.shoot-out [5Fu:taut] n. a fight that is fought with guns until one side is killed or defeated枪战:The robbery led to a shoot out between the robbers and the police.这次打劫酿成一场警匪枪战。
5.cosmic [5kCzmik] adj. relating to the universe; extremely large宇宙的;无比巨大的,无穷尽的:a scandal of cosmic proportions极其轰动的丑闻
6.affecting [E5fektiN] adj. producing strong feelings of sadness and sympathy感人的,动人的:Titanic is an affecting film.泰坦尼克号是一部感人的电影。
7.pan [pAn] n. a) a container, usually made of metal, with a handle or handles, used for cooking food in平底锅,盘子 b) v. swing a camera to follow an object to have an all-round view摇镜头;摇摄:The camera panned slowly across to the lady sitting in the corner.镜头慢慢转向坐在角落里的那位贵妇人。
8.fragility [frE5dVilEti] n. quality of being easily damaged or destroyed脆弱,易碎性:We should do something for his fragility.我们应该为他的脆弱做点什么。
9.resilient [5reziliEnt] adj. able to feel better quickly after sth. unpleasant such as shock, injury, etc有弹性的;适应力强的:This chair is made from a kind of resilient plastic material.这把椅子是用某种有弹性的塑料制成的。
10.drastically [5drAstikli] adv. extremely or radically激烈地;彻底地;大幅度地:Next year’s budget will have to be drastically pruned.下一年度的预算将大幅度削减。
11.flick [flik] v. a) to hit sth with a sudden quick movement, especially using your finger and thumb together, or your hand轻弹;轻拂:I flicked the dust off my coat.我把灰从衣服上弹掉。b) n. a cinema film电影:go to the flicks去看电影
12.trendy [5trendi] adj. very fashionable时髦的,新潮的:trendy ideas新潮的思想;trendy clothes时尚的衣服
13.celluloid [5seljulCid] n. a thin transparent plastic material made in sheets, used in the past for photographic film(过去用于制作电影胶片的一种塑料)赛璐珞
14.sidekick [5saidkik] n. a person who helps another more important or more intelligent person助手,伙伴死党:Mark has been Luke’s sidekick since junior high school.打从初中开始,马克和卢克一直就是哥儿俩。
15.atavistic [AtE5vistik] adj. related to the attitudes and behavior of the first humans返祖的,原始的:an atavistic instinct原始的本能;Many of those present felt this atavistic fear.在场的许多人都感到了这种原始的恐惧。
16.cull [kQl] vt. choose from various sources采摘,拣选:The information is culled from various reference books.这份资料是从各种参考书中摘出的。
17.bonding [5bCndiN] n. a process in which a special relationship develops between two or more people绑定,粘合:The bonding of our family members make us care about each other. 家庭的纽带是我们相互关心。
18.attachment [E5tAtFmEnt] n. a) a strong feeling of affection for sb/sth依恋;爱慕:She formed a strong attachment for him.她对他产生了热烈的爱慕之情。b) a part that you can put onto sth to make it do a particular job附着;附件:The attachment of the computer helped me a lot in my success of finishing the job.电脑附件在我完成这件工作的过程中给了我很大的帮助。
19.adversity [Ed5vEsiti] n. a difficult or unpleasant situation逆境,不幸:The village teacher’s adversity aroused the sympathy of many people.这位乡村教师的悲惨遭遇得到了很多人的同情。
20.palpably [5pAlpEbli] adv. noticeably显著地,明显地:She is palpably under some pressure. 很明显她在承受着某种压力。
21.accessory [Ek5sesEri] n. something such as a piece of equipment or a decoration that is not necessary, but that makes a machine, car, room etc more useful or more attractive附(零,配)件;装饰品:The accessories in the front of the car make it more attractive.汽车前面的小饰件使车看起来更加迷人了。
22.loathsome [5loTsEm] adj. extremely unpleasant; disgusting可憎的,可恶的:Some people think that snakes are loathsome creatures.有些人觉得蛇是令人憎恶的动物。
23.confidence [5kCnfidEns] n. a) belief in others or yourself信心,自信:He lacks confidence in himself.他缺少自信。b) a secret that you tell sb(向知心人吐露的)秘密,私房话:exchange confidences互谈心事
24.confess [kEn5fes] v. to admit that you have done sth wrong or illegal; or sth that you feel embarrassed about承认,坦白,忏悔,告白:I must confess myself completely puzzled by the question.我必须承认我被这个问题搞迷糊了。
25.wretched [retFt] adj. a) extremely bad or unpleasant不幸的,悲惨的:They are living in wretched poverty.他们过着可怜的贫苦生活。b) feeling ill/sick or unhappy难受的:There are still many places in the world where people’s living conditions are wretched.世界上仍然有很多地方的人生活条件凄惨。
26.moan [mEun] v. a) to make a long deep sound, usually expressing unhappiness, suffering or sexual pleasure呻吟;抱怨:He is always moaning about how tired he is.他总是抱怨如何如何累。b) n. a long deep sound, usually expressing unhappiness, suffering or sexual pleasure呻吟:She is having a moan about her poverty.她正在为自己的贫穷喊冤叫屈。
27.restraint [ris5treint] n. act of controlling or limiting sth抑制;克制:The police exercised great restraint by not responding to the insulting remarks of the protesters.警察对示威者的辱骂采取克制态度而未作任何反应。
28.grievance [5gri:vEns] n. a belief that you have been treated unfairly, or an unfair situation or event that affects and upsets you委屈,冤情,抱怨:Nursing a grievance makes you bitter.积怨在心只能使你不愉快。
29.claustrophobia [klC:strE5fEubiE] n. an extreme fear of being in a small enclosed place幽闭恐怖症:Excess sugar may cause claustrophobia.过多的糖可能会造成幽闭恐怖症。
30.chum [tFQm] n. a good friend好友;密友:We all need a chum to console our soul, right?我们都需要一位好友来慰藉我们的心灵,对吗?
Text II
1.the tooth fairy 牙齿仙女(一位想象出来的仙女,孩子们相信她会到他们的卧室,给他们留一些钱来买已经掉的牙)
2.clog [klCg] v. a) (+up/with) to block sth or to become blocked塞满,阻塞:Don’t clog up your memory with useless facts.不要把脑袋塞满无用的东西。b) n. a shoe that is completely made of wood木屐:There was a period in history when the clog was very popular in China.历史上曾有一段时期木屐鞋在中国很受欢迎。
3.spill [spil] v. to come out of a place in large numbers and spread out(使)溢出,洒落:Tears spilled from her eyes.泪水从她眼中流出。
4.trauma [5trC:mE] n. a) any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident外伤:The nurses are taking care of the trauma patients. 这些护士正精心照顾着这些外伤病人。b) an unpleasant and upsetting experience that affects you for a long time精神创伤:It was a trauma to all those involves.这对所有的参与者来说都是一个精神的创伤。
5.adolescence [AdE5lesEns] n. the time in a person’s life when he or she develops from a child into an adult青春期:Adolescence is a beautiful period of one’s life.青春期是人的一生中的一段美好的时光。
6.stomp [stCmp] v. to walk, dance, or move with heavy steps跺脚,重踩,重踏:stamp one’s feet; stomp one’s feet跺脚;顿足;He turned to the stairs and stomped up.他转过身,迈着重重的脚步上楼去了。
7.dwindle [5dwindEl] v. become gradually less逐渐减少:Failing health dwindles ambition.健康衰退使人丧志。
8.curfew [5kE:fju] n. a period of time, usually in the evening, when the inhabitants of a city or town are required to be in their homes宵禁:to lift the curfew; to end the curfew解除宵禁